Olive oil: How to pick the perfect one
Jun 14, 2023Oh, olive oil! Great taste and the pillar of Mediterranean cuisine. Good olive oil is known to come from Greece, Spain, and Italy. Greece is the third largest producer of olive oil, most of it being produced in the island of Crete. Approximately 90% of olive oil coming from Crete is extra virgin.
Health Benefits:
As a dietitian I would have to say that extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest oil out there. It is full of polyphenols, antioxidants, and monounsaturated fats. The main health benefits of olive oil actually come from the polyphenols in it. Polyphenols are a group of naturally occurring antioxidants found in plants. They have anti-inflammatory benefits, improve the immune system, help protect the liver, have cardiovascular benefits, as well as so much more. Olive oil actually has some anti-microbial benefits, shown benefit for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke), and of course benefits for heart health! Olive oil has been observed to reduce plaque buildup in the arteries and prevent the damage of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind).
The Mediterranean Diet:
The Mediterranean diet has grown in popularity the past few years, but it stemmed from the diets of the people living in the Greek island of Crete. There have been many many studies emerging the past 10 years on the Mediterranean diet, probably the most out of any other dietary studies. The studies point to the conclusion that the Mediterranean diet can help people reduce weight, reduce cancer mortality, improve cardiovascular health by decreasing LDL and increasing HDL, reduce blood pressure, and decreases inflammatory markers on blood tests. It also tends to be a more sustainable dietary pattern for people because it doesn’t completely eliminate any food group. I get often that patients feel they can’t continue with a Mediterranean diet because they are tired of eating Mediterranean food. I will say, that as long as you include the pillars of the Mediterranean diet you can make whatever flavor profile you want. And it could be as simple as changing the herbs, spices, and vegetables included in your meal.
For Example:
Mediterranean Diet Dinner
white fish baked with oregano, thyme, and olive oil with a squeeze of lemon with roasted potatoes and a salad of olive oil cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and feta cheese
(vegetables, seafood, olive oil, herbs)
Alternative Mediterranean Diet Dinner
Shrimp stir fry with olive oil, garlic, broccoli, snow peas, and carrots with brown rice and edamame
(vegetables, seafood, olive oil, herbs, legumes)
What you want to eat on the Mediterranean diet daily-
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Nuts/seeds
- Legumes
- Herbs and Spices
- Olive oil
Few times a week (at least 2)-
- Fish and seafood
Moderate portions weekly-
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Yogurt
Not often-
- Red meat
- Sweets
- Processed foods
What is a good quality olive oil?
The color, taste, and smell of the olive oil is dependent on the type of olive, the climatic conditions and when they harvested. It does not have much to do with the actual quality of the oil. The quality of olive oil has to do with the acidity of the olive oil. An acidity of 0.2-0.4 is considered a good quality olive oil while an acidity under 0.8 is considered extra virgin olive oil. The acidity refers to when a fatty acid structure is detached, and free fatty acids are formed within the oil. The acidity can rise through bugs and insects, poor harvesting and milling, or environmental conditions, like bad weather. The free fatty acids content can only be identified with a lab test.
Does olive oil go bad?
Yes, if you keep anything high in fat long enough it will go bad and consuming rancid oil can cause harm because it has fully oxidized. Smell the oil and if it smells off or rancid then get rid of it!
Can I cook with it?
Heating extra virgin olive oil too high (frying with it or heating it until it smokes) will denature the polyphenols in it reducing the benefits of the oil. It is best to use extra virgin olive oil fresh, so drizzled on the food after it is cooked, cooking on low temperature, and for salad dressing. Use avocado oil for very high temperatures like for frying.
How do you store olive oil?
Store olive oil in a cool and dark place away from heat and sun. Do not store it next to the stove that becomes consistently hot or on the kitchen ledge next to a window that gets hit with consistent sunlight. Olive oil will last around 18 months if it is stored properly. If stored improperly then it can become rancid faster.
How do you know if you have a 100% extra virgin olive oil?
Some extra virgin olive oils can actually be cut with another oil! What will happen is a very low acidity olive oil (0.3) can be mixed with a completely different oil at a higher acidity to bring up the olive oil acidity to 0.7 which is technically considered an extra virgin olive oil. What you can do is put the olive oil in a jar and put it in the fridge, the next day take a look at it, if it is completely solid it is extra virgin olive oil.
Bottom Line- What do I look for on the bottle of an extra virgin olive oil?
- Acidity level to be between 0.2 and 0.4
- Pressed on or harvest date
- Third party certification seal from either California olive oil council (COOC certified) or DOP certified (Italy), or PDO certified (Europe) for extra insurance
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